Thursday, April 1, 2010

How To Be a GlamMa Part II

After a very loooooong pregnancy, my daughter Lauren delivered our newest treasure, Glambaby Julia.

Because the doctors thought she might be a ten pounder, they encouraged Lauren to engage in some sort of  labor inducing activity one week before D Day.  Eating lobster and taking long walks were the most fun although most people crossed the street when they saw her coming for fear of having to deliver a little one on the spot.   Web sites she googled also recommended (with the required *ask your doctor first warning) using acupressure, mixing castor oil with juice, taking certain herbs, eating spicy food and having a glass of wine.  Lovemaking seems to stimulate contractions with the release of osytocin and prostaglandins.   A no-no however if your water has already broken.   I will add my own warning that I don't recommend any of these without a doctor's okay.  Castor Oil???? Yucky.

 Imagine your child thirty years from now, in therapy, and reliving life in the womb.  "And then there was this horrible taste and gooey feeling..and the smell.   I had to get out of there.  No wonder I'm mixed's my mother's fault."

In the "Don't ask, don't tell"mode, she did go into labor one week before her due date and delivered a perfectly healthy 8 pounder.   The doctors speculated Julia would have been 6 ozs heavier if she had stayed in one more week but certainly not a ten much for the accuracy of Ultra Sounds.

At any rate, because Lauren delivered just before midnight, insurance considered that night her first official "covered" day, and therefore kicked her out after just another night.   With two glammas  and grandfathers at her home, I wasn't too worried, but also not looking forward to staying up nights rocking a baby so my baby could sleep.   As it turned out, Julia. like her Glamma Gigi, loves her sleep and has turned out (so far) to be a mellow baby.  She complains when hungry but doesn't wail like her sister did...but it's early, I'll reserve judgement for a few more weeks until her personality really emerges.  And this is one week post delivery.  Did you ever look this good?

So off we go on a new adventure...this time with a very active and wonderful "almost three-year-old" big sister to help show Julia the wayl

And two Grandfathers willing to step in at any moment.

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